Earlier this morning I stood at my wall and stared at a piece of paper I printed off the computer back in the spring. It was an email I had received from my mother who wrote one sentence, "Never give up on your dreams." Today, I am not entirely sure what my dreams are anymore. I was always running 90mph towards something. Some vision. Lately, I feel blank. For the first time in my life, I don't know what I want. I know what I enjoy. I enjoy writing and dancing. I enjoy nature walks with my puppy and spiritual chats with close friends. But as for a grand goal, I am currently stuck. This past year started out with a bang as I ran full force towards a laundry list of certifications that included Reiki and Life Coaching. I was leading Women's Circles and taking over the town. This morning I realized that somewhere along the way, I stopped.
Without his knowledge of my morning thoughts, a good friend of mine randomly sent me a YouTube video with Les Brown as the speaker. I listen intently for 20 minutes on the concept of dreams. He took the stage and walked me through a visualization. I saw my writing. I saw my Mother's Art Journal pages. What do I dream? I dream to fuse them together. To create a book in dedication to her. This is bigger than a book built for entertainment. This is about the journey of a mother seeing her daughter through fresh eyes. And a daughter realizing that this whole time, she was a muse. This is about connection and unconditional love. There is a story to be shared.
I remembered before Mom even knew she was sick, she told me about self publishing and how we should "team up." I jumped from my bed, turned off Les Brown, and grabbed my phone to text Ryan Carr a general "thank you" for sending a great video my way. And then I froze. My phone said 11:11. For those that are unsure of the significance, scroll down and read the THROGS NECK BRIDGE blog from this week. Your jaw may just drop as fast as mine did.
And so I am listening. I have just set my intent, visualized my plan, and announced it here for accountability. I ask my SOL7 readers to assist me with ideas and motivation. And a promise to not let me quit or get distracted, as I tend too. This is one project that I must complete.
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