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Showing posts from October 5, 2017


Okay, so imagine you're minding your own business, out in the world. Perhaps at line in a local coffee shop, buying up some sunrise caffeine in a cup. Or maybe, you're at work, sitting quietly at your desk. Either way, with your eyes closed, imagine the calm. You're just....chillin. Okay, wait, open your eyes, there's more to read. LOL Where am I going with this? Well, there you are, in your own space, when BAM!!! Someone walks up and sneezes all over you. I  mean alllll over you! A giant sneeze. (((gasp)))) Ewwww. Grossed out? Horrified? Do you feel violated? Now, replace the "sneeze" with "complaining." This is what it feels like to be an empath on the day to day. It's social edict to greet a friend, stranger, co-worker, etc, with a smile, a quick hello, or often a "how ya doing today?" And most of the time, people can't wait tell you. In my experience, it's rarely positive and I can't help but almost always regret