Last night, after an intense conversation with the love of my life, I got to pondering about the concept of "feeling." We feel stuff all the time. But how many of us actually truly FEEL it? We live in a modern day society were prescriptions are handed out by Western medicine faster than a sneeze and illegal street drugs are now sold via internet! Take this for depression, this for anxiety, this for your aliment, take this for that and that for this, swallow, snort, inject.....Oh my. Am I judging? No. I am applying discernment. Simply observing not just those around me, but taking an even closer look at myself. Am I too quick to find a way out of the dark? It is common for me to run from anything negative that runs through my body. I read Self Help books, blog, exercise, meditate, and apply Eastern medicines such as Reiki in my routines. There are moments I pat myself on the back for the ability and strength to find such healthy coping mechanisms, but then again, maybe...just
A Spiritual blog about life, unconditional love, being an intuitive, and diving head first into Earth adventures. Life is now. This is my wild journey.