Last night I had the most incredible dream. I was fast asleep next to Julitto when I woke to noise from the other room. I opened up my door to find that across the hall, my guest bedroom door was open and the light was on. There, sitting right on the bed, was my Mom. Looking AMAZING!!!!! I ran to her with Julitto right behind me and we just sat down next to her in awe. I couldn't stop touching her and telling her how great she looked!!! There was a glow to her face, her skin and eyes were bright and flawless, her hair was longer, and I swear, "age wise" not a minute over 40. She just kept smiling and kinda laughing a little, as if to take full ownership in the fact that she knows she looks this damn good now. There was also a lightness about her - as if not one single worry existed in her space.
We chatted for a few minutes (I barely remember about what exactly) but I mostly just sat with her in joy. I couldn't wait to inform my Dad so I got up and ran downstairs, but as I turned the corner, I was faced with the past. A scene from about 15 years ago unfolding like a TV show re-run, only I caught the live version. It was morning, Mom was clipping coupons at the counter, while Dad was reading the newspaper at the table. I have seen it a 1,000 times growing up. I fell to my knees in disbelief and a bit of fear. When they both turned their heads I realized, they could see me too. This was not a repeat, this was happening. So I leaped up, ran over to my Mother, and grabbed her, saying, "Mom! You are going to get Cancer and die. You have to change everything. You have to stop stressing and you have to change what you eat. It's the chemicals in all the food and products that are making the world sick!" Both parents blew me off and left me breathless as I turned to Julitto and shook my head. Why was nobody listening?!
I woke up from the dream shortly after that to realize maybe, just maybe, this was her way of inviting me to release some of my guilt. My beliefs are strong and yet, I failed to to fight her when she was sick. I bit my tongue and didn't attempt to infuse what I have learned about the power of nutrition over the last year. I believed it would fall on deaf ears and didn't want to spend my remaining time with her, preaching. I let her follow her heart, which was Western medicine. I often wonder if my voice would have made a difference if I really tried? Last night my Mom showed up to me to let me know, "it wouldn't have mattered baby girl. This was my path." And man oh man...did she look FANTASTIC!!!!
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