spir·it·u·al·i·ty; noun: the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things.
...well, that's the official definition of "Spirituality." I dig it. But what does being spiritual mean to YOU? Throwing that word around the South has often found me standing solo in front of some angry-God-fearing faces that may have had me quickly question whether or not people still burn others at the stake. (joking, not joking.) For me personally, being Spiritual simply just means anything that brings out your best self. Meditation is the most common word associated with spirituality and it is easy to see why. Daily meditation teaches you to control your thoughts, slow down your mind, and allow for your best self to shine. How amazing And your place/act of Spirituality can differ from one human to the next! Music, dance, hiking, surfing....anything that allows you to feel that positive vibration of love and connection to your Higher Source, THAT is some Spiritual wonderment.
So close your eyes and pause. Think about the moment or moments in your life where you FELT it. I mean, you really felt it. You felt self-love, you felt God's love, you felt peaceful, happy, and grateful. That "Wow, what a great day" feeling. Where were you? What were you doing? Was anyone with you? Take yourself back to that space and absorb. Allow the emotions to wash over you once more. Now....go do it again.
And congratulations, because yes, you are a Spiritual being.
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